Your business is only as strong as its employees – which means it is important for them to be happy and healthy. Companies spend time and money training on skills and product knowledge. Unfortunately, most of the time, little is invested in employee wellness.

Did you know that, each year, billions of dollars are spent in health insurance costs? Health care costs alone can use up as much as 50% of more of corporate profits. Whether it is through medical claims, disability, increased absenteeism, decreased levels of productivity—if your employees are unhealthy, you could be losing an unnecessary amount of money!

However, a recent study found that at least 28% of workers would feel more satisfied and loyal to their employer if the company offered more options to improve their overall health and lifestyle.

of company profits are spent on employee healthcare
of employees desire more healthcare options
Workplace Wellness Solutions

To maximize employee productivity, decrease absenteeism, and increase levels of job satisfaction, without wasting time or money, we recommend incorporating wellness programs and health technologies that allow for a happy, healthy company–which translates to a better working environment for everyone.

By incorporating corporate wellness programs, you can:

  • Reduce health insurance costs by as much as 35%
  • Increase employee retention rates and reduce absenteeism by 25%
  • Reduce costs associated with workers’ compensation and disability by 32%
  • Increase both business and employee longevity
  • Motivate employees through incentives

Studies have shown that for every $1 spent on wellness programs, employers can often get an average return of $3 due to increased productivity, less absenteeism, and fewer workers’ compensation and health care claims.

Wellness through Integrative Consulting Group, LLC includes stress management seminars, nutritional education and Yoga instruction for 10-20 minute desk breaks. Partnerships with wellness clinics, Yoga, Chiropractic and Acupuncture Physicians,  Florida Pilates and Yoga Directory and Gyms provide discounts to corporate employers.

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